Graduation is not a small fete, but rather, a milestone that paves the way for the rest of the graduate’s life. As they throw their cap into their air surrounded by their classmates, the reality begins to dawn on them. They are now adults who have to fend for themselves, pay their bills and taxes, and remain sane. Moving out, getting a job, starting a business, and other such moves will soon follow. And your role in all this is to support them as they take off the cap and gown and face reality. Here is how you can do this:
Meal Kits
Most graduates have spent a chunk of their life, having someone cater to their nutritional needs. They will get fed at home, eat at the cafeteria, or order in from their dorm rooms. The real world is a lot like this, but you can help them make healthy eating decisions. You can get them a meal kit delivery that allows them to eat right and stay healthy. It will cost you a couple of bucks for each meal, as the graduate finds a way to land on their feet.
A Robe
Feeling comfortable allows one to relax as they feel pampered. Your graduate may not have ideal living quarters after school. However, if they have a plush robe covering them, they can still enjoy a bit of luxury. You can add some bath items as well as some moisturizers to go along with the present. Enjoying bath time rejuvenates the body, allowing them to work even harder towards what they want.

Now that the graduate is finally unshackled from school life, they will have a lot to look forward to. From business trips to vacations with their loved ones, they have a lot lying ahead of them. While you cannot always join in on these fun times, you can have a little of you with them. Getting the graduate luggage will show them that you have their back as they embark on these adventures.
A Tote Bag
As the graduate starts work life, they will need a few essentials, among them a stylish bag. They can use it at the office, for events or outings with their friends. This bag is big enough to fit work supplies, snacks, and other small things. The good thing is that it comes in a range of styles, allowing you to choose the one that defines them the most.
An Alarm Clock
Getting up in the morning and heading to work can be hard, even when you love what you do. And your graduate may find it challenging to change their morning routine to get to work on time. Well, there are two ways you can help them ease into the new schedule. You can get them an alarm that shrieks at them every day without fail. The thought of the shriek will have them awake even minutes before the alarm goes off. Nobody wants that. The other option is to get them an alarm clock that gently wakes them up by simulating the sunrise. Such an alarm will have a soothing tone that gets louder with every minute. This lack of aggression can prevent them from waking up too fast and hitting their head or something.
A Cast-Iron Skillet
Cooking will come about as the graduate learns how to take care of themselves and stay healthy. And getting them a skillet allows them to get started on this journey. The easy-grip handles and the fact that it takes away most of the work from their hands makes this a good choice. You can add a chopping board and knives to the set to give them what they need for their kitchen.
Good Sheets
At the end of a long workday, your graduate will need warm sheets on which they can relax and lull themselves to sleep. The softer the sheets are, the easier it will be to forget those work assignments and venture into dreamland. You can add pillowcases and a duvet to the set, thus completing it.
A Blender
Smoothies are in, and they look like they will be for a long time. Having a blender in their new place will allow the graduate to make smoothies in minutes. They can drink the contents on their way to work and stay pumped the whole day. It is an easy way to make breakfast while keeping the costs low.
Drinking Glasses

The solo cup is characteristic of most parties held on and off-campus. As the graduate moves further into adulthood, they will need another option. It comes in the form of drinking glasses that their roommates cannot break, try as they might. They can still have a good time, without having to pick up shards the next morning.
A Microwave
While the graduate may wish to cook, they could lack time for it. And having a microwave comes in handy as they can warm leftovers or defrost frozen items and make a meal.
Adding a budgeting app to the mix would allow them to watch their expenses and make changes where need be. What else comes to mind?