Bouquet for her


Gifting your girlfriend can be an easy task if you keep a few things in mind. First, you should figure out what she wants or needs most. Maybe she’s been talking about needing a gym membership. Or she’s been hinting at buying a bag for work. The more you listen to her, the easier it will be to find the ideal gift. You can also liaise with her friends or check her social media likes to understand what she may want. As you do this, here are a few ideas that could help you become her gift whisperer:

A Gym Membership

A girl training in the gym

Fitness classes are here to stay as more people become enthralled with their results. If your girlfriend is always paying for classes, getting her a membership would be a great gift. The same goes for if she’s always talking about how she wants to get in shape. If she’s the type to get bored from taking one class over and over, you can get her a class pass membership. That allows her to try new activities each week and keep the boredom away. Every time she sees the muscle definition, she will think of how lucky she is to have you.

A Water Bottle

Getting fit is not complete without adequate water consumption. As such, getting your girl a water bottle would show her how committed you are to her wellness journey. The best choice, in this case, would be an option that matches her style. If she likes patterns, you can get her one with these. If she’s into a plain bottle that she can use at work, then there lies your choice. While you are at it, you can also get her a lunch box or bag in which she can carry her water.

A Pendant

Sometimes, the best gifts come in the simplest forms, like pendant necklaces. These pieces work to accentuate your girl’s beauty by showing off her neckline and adding a touch of style to her dress code. She can wear this piece anywhere, be it at work or an event. The good thing with this accessory is that you can personalize it by having her initials in it. You can even have it in the form of a heart. When she is away from you, she can know that she has a piece of you with her every time.

An Essential Oil Diffuser

There are many stressors in life, from work to family to health issues. As such, your girl may feel overwhelmed sometimes, and this can take a toll on her happiness. Getting her an oil diffuser helps her feel more relaxed as she takes in the soothing wafts of air hitting her nostrils. She should feel better as she works or relaxes in a room with these scents. When getting her a diffuser, also look into which oils she would enjoy. That way, you can get her a complete package.

A Jar Candle

A jar candle

Candles are great for the home as they serve numerous purposes. She can use the candle for intimate dinners with you and her friends. She can also rely on it to cast a dim light on her as she takes a relaxing bath. Additionally, it adds to the décor of the home. When choosing an option, go for a scent that she likes. Maybe she fancies vanilla or is more into lavender. Whatever makes her happy should be your first choice. And if you want to make the gift even more special, you can craft the jar from scratch and personalize it. That should warm her heart.

A Meal Kit

With the busy schedules most people have, cooking has become one of those tasks that people often delegate. Having spent ten hours in the office, she is hardly unlikely to feel pumped about making dinner. Thus, ordering in may come about more often than not. While takeout is convenient, it is not necessarily healthy and can hamper her fitness journey. A meal kit comes with ingredients, recipes and the results are full of flavour. She can have her dinner ready in a short time and would not have to settle for junk food. She will love it!


A Weighted Blanket

Does your girlfriend enjoy taking the day off, snuggling on the couch and drinking hot chocolate? If yes, you can get her this blanket, which feels like more of a hug than a cover. She can lie underneath its calming weight and feel more relaxed and recharged for the next day. Now and then, join her in one of these snuggling sessions and see how great it feels.

A Pasta Maker

Making a pasta

As much as being in good health is of importance, your girl cannot say no to carbs for the rest of her life. And if she’s into Italian food, pasta is likely to be one of her best meals. The pasta maker is a gift that keeps on giving in that she will enjoy the process and the results. You will have a lot of pasta-related meals in the months that follow.

What gift do you think would best suit your girlfriend?